mercoledì 31 marzo 2010
lunedì 29 marzo 2010
recycled fashion
What to some is junk or waste to on person can be to others the medium of their expression by way of seeing the same object in a completely different light. I would say that this is the case with Israeli artist/sculptor Yaov Kotik who has started a Kotik, collection of handmade jewelry using disposed bottle caps and turning them into beautifully original and wearable jewelry. His work is a very interesting contrast between a costless material and a highly intensive and intricate labor to produce, so I am curious to know what the price tag on these babies is. Shown here are just a few of his designs, you should visit his website to see it all.
Gypsy Jeweler’s Found Treasures
If the hunter-gather spirit is something that you can identify with, either as an urban scavenger or a street-savvy recycle-er, the Gypsy Jeweler collection might be your ideal accessory find. Sent to us as a hot tip from an Inhabitat reader in-the-know, Gypsy Jeweler pieces are resourcefully crafted from unique found objects and metal bits reclaimed from construction sites and lots. Eco-punk fashion takes on a new edge in these clever design combos- so for the eco-fashionista who refuses to settle for trends, look no further than a stylish spin on discards alchemized into treasures for adornment.
aquattromani al 67 eco-friendly fashion shop
Quello che fino a ieri avevamo sempre considerato come un gioco ha finalmente preso forma.
Nasce in un ambiente creativo il nostro laboratorio,dove si realizzano accessori e abbigliamento per offrirvi uno stile innovativo e divertente del vestire.
L’obiettivo che ci proponiamo è quello di creare un prodotto interamente artigianale con materiali naturali che si svincola dalle grandi produzioni in serie recuperando l’unicità e l’originalità degli oggetti, che diventano pezzi unici o in selezione limitata.
La collezione primavera-estate 2010 di borse e zoccoli riutilizza pellami e tessuti che provengono da campionari per imbottiti di arredamento, destinati ad essere eliminati e rimpiazzati ad ogni stagione. Li abbiniamo al legno, materiale ecologico per eccellenza, quasi ormai inutilizzato nella fabbricazione industriale dei grandi marchi.
Ogni “scarto” della lavorazione viene recuperato e trasformato: ritagli, specchietti, nastri e scampoli rinascono come complementi che arricchiscono i nostri accessori e diventano a loro volta qualcosa di nuovo.
giovedì 25 marzo 2010
Fantastic Recycled Plastic
mercoledì 24 marzo 2010
THIS LIGHT Made from Recycled Plastic Bottles
The sibling team of Reta Howell and Vana Howell of THIS Gallery have taken recycling into their own creative hands with their THIS Light series. Made from discarded plastic bottles that the two salvage locally, THIS Light turns landfill destined “trash” into delightfully repurposeful lamps. Each fixture is original and handmade, and incorporates every piece of collected plastic into the design. The results are an enlightening display that also serves as a beautiful “reduce, reuse and recycle” reminder.
Lights made from old books
Another gorgeous design from Atelier Bomdesign. These lights are all made from old books and are available in various models.
That’s ‘One’ (Weird Looking) Folding Bike
The ‘One’ bike is a design concept by industrial designer, Thomas Owen, a recent graduate of the UK’s University of Derby, from whence he departed with a B. Sc. (Hons) in Product Design, Innovation and Eco-design. Seems he studied subjects like Eco-design Methods and Strategies, Eco-design Management, Eco-design Applications and Appropriate Technology. Some of which must have lead him to take on the not inconsiderable challenge of redesigning the world’s most efficient means of transporting humans. A prototype ‘One’ bicycle was made, but it doesn’t look like it was quite road-ready. We do however like that Thomas did think outside the diamond (frame), though wonder if he was influenced by the Locust by Czech designer, Josef Cadek? Either way it’s an interesting take for a cute looking city bike. ::Thomas Owen via Yanko
Eco Fashion Accessories: Drama, Color & Recycled Metal
Studs, chains, simple boxy bags, booties and dramatic statement jewelry: all of these things are in for fall 2009, and there are seriously fabulous eco-friendly options for every single trend. Designers like Litter SF, Doloris Petunia and olsen Haus offer up some eye-popping accessories made from recycled, upcycled, organic and otherwise green materials.
martedì 23 marzo 2010
Carmina Campus- eco-friendly bag
Carmina Campus--the ultimate in decadent eco-fashion? Well it has to be up there--it's a new-ish brand owned and designed by a member of the Fendi family--one of fashion's biggest fashion labels. Translated as "chants of the field", Carmina Campus bags are definitely a luxury item, almost in the wretched excess department.
But they are made of completely recycled materials in a way that is clever, cool and elegant, all in one. And much of the profit is being put back into charities. If Fendi can carry it off, why can't Chanel, Prada, etc. etc. give it a go... More on eco-luxury after the fold.
lunedì 22 marzo 2010
Are These Elephant Dung Heels Hot Sh*t or Just Crap?
While we can’t speak to their structural stability and or durability, elephant dung certainly makes for an interesting biodegradable material. (The scatologically inclined should also check out reindeer poop as a fashion resource.) These 10-inch stiletto heels, created by a London artist/mysterioso who goes only by the handle “INSA,” were commissioned by the Tate as part of a series of design “responses” to a recent exhibit by Chris Ofili, a painter who smeared elephant manure on his controversial 1996 piece, The Holy Virgin Mary.
domenica 21 marzo 2010
Sheets & Retro Styled Eco Swimwear
Another shout out for the Aussies doing fabulous swimwear. This time it's also eco-green too. Designer Ruth Ziller is the genius behind these wonderful suits made for the Billy & Lola brand. What's even more tempting to me is that Ruth made all of these from vintage sheets that she found at second hand stores in Australia. How brilliant is that?